26 August 2009

Here Come the Son Kings

If you've been living under a rock, Beatles Rockband is set to be released on September 9, 2009. That 09/09/09 for those keeping track (the Beatles have a thing for 9s). This game will attract hordes of new gamers from older generations as Beatlemania continues to rage some 40 years after the group's dissolution.

Two people instrumental to the game's development are Dhani Harrison and Giles Martin (L and R, respectively), offspring of George Harrison and George Martin (respectively), respectively guitarist/backup vocal/songwriter and producer.

That's a lot of respect, but hey, it's the Beatles.
The art of the game is something to behold. Take off your pants and have a look at these images


Score: 100%
Justification: The union of Beatles and Rockband is like, well, the union of Lennon and McCartney

17 August 2009

Mitch Lives On!

mitch hedberg on pringles - Watch more Funny Videos

The first joke about Pringles Potato Chips in this video is a well known quip by fans of the late Mitch Hedberg. The target is of course Pringles' tubular packaging that looks not unlike tennis ball packaging.

Exhibit "A"

Exhibit "B"

According to Wikipedia, three tennis balls will fit in the Pringles container.

So there I was standing in Sainsbury's in Edinburgh, a Scottish grocery chain, when I saw these specially packaged Pringles

The only thing they left out was, "Hey Mitch, sorry you're dead, but..."

Would this packaging would be found funny by those unaware of the Hedberg joke? Can the delivery of the joke on the label can match the Hedberg delivery? We may never know.

The funnier thing for Pringles to do would be to make promotional tennis balls, or promotional special edition tennis ball flavored chips. Who else likes the smell of fresh tennis balls? God bless chemicals.

Overall Score: 77%

Justification: Pringles are still a god among chips