29 December 2009
24 December 2009
19 November 2009

13 September 2009

26 August 2009
Here Come the Son Kings


17 August 2009
Mitch Lives On!
mitch hedberg on pringles - Watch more Funny Videos
The first joke about Pringles Potato Chips in this video is a well known quip by fans of the late Mitch Hedberg. The target is of course Pringles' tubular packaging that looks not unlike tennis ball packaging.
Exhibit "A"
Exhibit "B"
According to Wikipedia, three tennis balls will fit in the Pringles container.
So there I was standing in Sainsbury's in Edinburgh, a Scottish grocery chain, when I saw these specially packaged Pringles
The only thing they left out was, "Hey Mitch, sorry you're dead, but..."
Would this packaging would be found funny by those unaware of the Hedberg joke? Can the delivery of the joke on the label can match the Hedberg delivery? We may never know.
The funnier thing for Pringles to do would be to make promotional tennis balls, or promotional special edition tennis ball flavored chips. Who else likes the smell of fresh tennis balls? God bless chemicals.
Overall Score: 77%
Justification: Pringles are still a god among chips
24 June 2009
The ironing is delicious

Q. How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?
A. None—the lightbulb has to want to change